Vegan Food Reviews

Surreal Cereal Review: All Flavours Comprehensive Taste-test and Review

Surreal Cereal Review: All Flavours Comprehensive Taste-test and Review

You may have seen the vivid packaging, or heard of the seemingly too-good-to-be-true macronutrient credentials of Surreal ‘adult’ cereal on Instagram. Perhaps you’ve spotted them in one of the few places they are physically stocked, or heard about them from a friend and have since then wondered if they’re as valuable as their above-market price tag suggests…

Well, wonder no more!

We sent a variety four-pack of Surreal cereal to HQ for extensive taste and performance testing, in order to offer you a truly comprehensive review on everything from flavour variations, satiety, value for money, nutritional breakdown, and more. If you’re thinking about buying Surreal but have questions like:

  • Is Surreal cereal healthy?
  • Is Surreal cereal keto friendly?
  • What are Surreal cereal’s ingredients?
  • How much protein is in Surreal cereal?

Then read on for our first-hand answers to all of these queries and more!

~ Scroll to the bottom for review summary ~

What is Surreal cereal?

Described to us by its co-founder as ‘cereal for adults’, Surreal is attempting to carve out a new niche in the saturated cereal market as a decidedly healthy breakfast treat. Where many cereal brands (targeted mostly towards young children) lean heavily on the carbohydrate macronutrient, featuring a grain base and added sugars, Surreal flips that on its head. Being composed primarily of pea starch and soy/pea protein, carbohydrates are not the dominant macronutrient in Surreal cereal — protein is.

A hand selecting a box from a pile of Surreal Cereal in a variety of flavours

Which means a few things. Firstly, without a grain base, Surreal is gluten-free. More so, as opposed to many sugar-laden breakfast bowls, you won’t experience a huge energy crash an hour or so after eating. Carbohydrates are packed with calories and energy. When you consume these foods, your body very quickly converts them into sugar, giving you a sudden burst of energy and alertness. However, this energy boost is short-lived. Insulin is released in response to lower your blood sugar, sometimes causing it to drop too low, leading to a ‘sugar crash’.

This crash can leave you feeling tired, irritable, and hungry, making it hard to concentrate about the time school or work starts. Not so with Surreal. With protein leading the charge, the food is broken down more slowly over the course of the day, causing no energy crashes. Furthermore, this high protein low carb macronutrient profile may be of practical use for adults with health and fitness goals, as well as people who avoid certain foods because of ethical or environmental reasons (…hi).

Protein is essential for muscle growth and athletic performance, meaning Surreal could be a useful supplemental food for those looking to increase their protein intake, like athletes and vegans. As for its appearance and flavour options, Surreal cereal is composed of small, crunchy ringlets, much like Cheerios. They offer four flavours as standard, and occasionally rotate in special edition flavours. The standard flavours are:

  • Frosted
  • Cocoa
  • Cinnamon
  • Peanut Butter

Is Surreal cereal healthy?

Ok, that may be all well and good, we hear you say. But there are plenty of foods and food products that have claim all kinds of health benefits and dazzling nutritional statistics that don’t really deliver on the health front in reality.So is Surreal cereal really healthy? Are there any hidden, unhealthy ingredients that undermine the friendly macros? Is it wise to eat these instead of, say, a banana for breakfast?To find this out, we’re going to have to take a closer look at the ingredients.

A bowl of Surreal Cereal featuring all four flavours

Surreal cereal ingredients

As mentioned, Surreal cereal is mostly composed of pea starch and pea/soya protein. Let’s look at a grouped list of Surreal cereal ingredients across all flavours, then each one individually.Surreal cereal contains:

  • Pea Starch — a white, fine powder extracted from peas that is commonly used in the food industry as a thickening and binding agent. It is accepted as a healthier alternative to other starches like cornstarch and is non-GMO, vegan, grain-free, and gluten-free [1].
  • Pea Protein — a type of protein derived from yellow and green split peas. Known for its high protein content, it is also considered a ‘complete’ protein, as it contains all nine essential amino acids. It’s growth is very environmentally low impact, and it’s soy and dairy-free and therefore a good option for people with allergies.
  • Soya Protein — Soy protein is a type of complete protein derived from soybeans, which are legumes native to East Asia. It is low in saturated fat, free from cholesterol, and a good source of essential nutrients such as iron, calcium, and potassium. It is also rich in isoflavones, which are compounds with potential health benefits.
  • Rapeseed Oil — a type of vegetable oil extracted from the seeds of the rapeseed plant. It is low in saturated fat and contains a good balance of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, including omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Inulin — Inulin is a type of carbohydrate known as a fructan. It is made up of chains of fructose molecules linked together, and it's naturally found in a variety of plants, including chicory (from which Surreal inulin is derived), artichokes, garlic, onions, leeks, and agave. It is considered prebiotic, because it can nourish beneficial bacteria in the gut, as well as high-fibre, and an effective sugar and fat replacement as it’s low calorie with a creamy texture and flavour.
  • Natural Flavours — flavouring substances that are derived from natural sources (more on this in the individual flavour breakdowns).
  • Sweeteners — synthetic or chemically derived substances used to sweeten foods and beverages without adding significant calories, specifically Steviol Glycocides, Erythritol, and Sucralose.

A great start. A minimal ingredients list is typically indicative of healthier processed foods, as it excludes unnecessary and sometimes harmful chemical ingredients. Now let’s take a more detailed look at the flavour-specific ingredients.

Surreal Frosted flavour ingredients:

Soya protein, Pea Protein, Pea Starch, Rapeseed Oil, Sweeteners (Erythritol, Sucralose), Inulin, Soya Lecithin, Natural Flavouring.

Surreal Cocoa flavour ingredients:

Soya Protein, Pea Protein, Pea Starch, Rapeseed Oil, Sweeteners (Erythritol, Sucralose), Cocoa Powder, Inulin, Soya Lecithin, Natural Flavouring (Chocolate, Vanilla).

Surreal Cinnamon flavour ingredients:

Soya Protein, Pea Protein, Pea Starch, Rapeseed Oil, Sweeteners (Erythritol, Sucralose), Cocoa Powder, Inulin, Soya Lecithin, Natural Flavouring (Cinnamon).

Surreal Peanut Butter flavour ingredients:

Soya Protein, Pea Protein, Pea Starch, Rapeseed Oil, Sweeteners (Erythritol, Stevia), Peanut Flour, Inulin, Soya Lecithin, Natural Flavouring (Peanut).

All Surreal Cereal flavours stacked atop each other

As you can see, the key variances across the ingredients lists of every flavour include the use of Stevia as a sweetener in the Peanut Butter flavour, and the natural flavourings that define each flavour (chocolate and vanilla for Cocoa, cinnamon for Cinnamon, and Peanut for Peanut Butter). Given the ingredients, Surreal cereal is not suitable for those with soya allergies, and the Peanut Butter flavour is not suitable for those with a peanut allergy.

…So, is Surreal cereal healthy? In short — yes, for the most part. They feature no ingredients known to be harmful to your health in moderation. The macronutrient profile is far healthier than most typical cereals, as carbs and sugar are minimally present, avoiding insulin spikes and crashes. The high protein content is advantageous for muscle growth and maintenance, and it derives from low-fat soya and pea protein instead of high-fat and hormone-laden animal protein. It’s reasonably high in fibre featuring approximately 3 grams per 37g serving, only slightly less than an equivalent serving of oats, and it has some prebiotic effects thanks to the inulin.

Now for the ‘for the most part’ bit. The strongest available evidence suggests that a diet composed entirely of unprocessed whole foods is optimal for disease avoidance and longevity. As a processed food, Surreal doesn’t fit within this definition. However, as a supplemental part of a diet that is primarily composed of unprocessed whole foods, Surreal can be considered healthy — especially in comparison to its traditional alternatives like Frosties, Cheerios, Coco Puffs, Rice Krispies etc. It’s also a great supplemental addition to a diet that avoids protein-rich foods from animal sources given its hefty protein content. Speaking of which…

How much protein is in Surreal cereal?

With all this talk of protein, what are we actually dealing with here? Can you finally throw out your untouched 2kg bag of miserable protein powder in the bin with the help of Surreal?Let’s get into it. While there are slight variances across the flavours, a bowl (defined as a 35-37g serving) of Surreal cereal contains 12-13 grams of protein. That’s the equivalent of 33-36 grams per 100g. For reference, let’s compare the protein content of some common protein-rich breakfast foods:

  • Surreal cereal (1 serving) — 12-13 grams
  • Oats (1 serving) — 3-4 grams
  • Baked beans (35 grams) — 2-3 grams
  • A strip of bacon — 1-1.5 grams
  • Scrambled eggs (two eggs) — 12 grams
  • Two sausages — 6-8 grams
  • Two slices of bread topped with peanut butter — 11-14 grams

As you can see, we’re dealing with some pretty impressive numbers here!

A bowl of Surreal cereal contains roughly the same amount of protein as a strip of bacon, a sausage, and a serving of baked beans combined!They weren’t lying — Surreal is seriously high protein. It’s not too surprising given its mainly composed of pea and soy protein, but for all aspiring bodybuilders, protein-seeking vegans, and nutritional claim skeptics, it’s good to know that Surreal can fit in rather neatly with your health goals.

Is Surreal cereal keto-friendly?

…even if you’re on the ketogenic or ‘keto’ diet, which seeks to reduce carbohydrate consumption. Because of the use of sweeteners in place of sugars, and the pea/soy protein base, Surreal contains only 6-8 grams of net carbs per bowl, meaning it is friendly to those on a keto diet.

Surreal cereal taste-test

Ok, now for the fun part. The healthiest food in the world is no good to anyone if it doesn’t taste great (…or at the very least good). So how does Surreal stack up when it comes to taste? Is the sweetness artificial tasting? Is the texture a strange, protein-rich but crumbly mess? What are the best flavours across the selection, or are they all simply amazing?Allow us to do the tasting for your evaluative convenience… we’re happy to do it, really!

Surreal Frosted flavour review

Surreal Frosted cereal atop a wooden chopping board with cereal pieces spread about of the box

First impressions are positive as we crack open the box and pour ourselves a bowl, using unsweetened soy milk for an isolated tasting experience. The smell immediately hits you, and it’s both strong and intoxicating. It’s a symphony of sweetness, and strangely nostalgic? It smells like very much like Cheerios, but perhaps sweeter. Almost like a box of Krispy Kreme glazed donuts, actually. It’s very pleasant and indulgent. First bite is promising. It tastes as sweet as it smells, and has the crispy, crunchy texture you would expect from a grain cereal despite being composed of pea protein. It’s very crisp, not at all spongey as you might expect from this ingredient. The milk is meeting with the cereal beautifully, with the powdered ringlets sweetening the milk over time. Each bite leads to another, and before we know it the bowl is gone!

Frosted is a winner, a pleasant, generally sweet offering that doesn’t point to a specific flavour profile other than that rewarding sweetness. It certainly doesn’t feel sugar free.

Surreal Cocoa flavour review

Surreal Cocoa cereal atop a wooden chopping board with cereal pieces spread about of the box

Now onto the Cocoa. The appearance is a dark, deep brown, and it seems the flavour is really thoroughly coated on each ringlet. The smell is pure cocoa, like putting your nose into a pot of hot chocolate powder. It doesn’t smell as sweet as the Frosted, this time a more mellow attack that brings to mind dark chocolate, even whiskey.

Alone, they taste more complex. There’s an incredibly subtle suggestion of chocolate-ey bitterness which is decadent and more-ish. But the top note here is definitely still sweetness — this time a more layered sweetness. It really tastes great, and possibly twice as good when milk is added. The milk has turned a chocolate brown and each mouthful begs for another!

Chocolate, cocoa, coffee, and whiskey fans will fall in love with this taste profile. A winner for sure.

Surreal Cinnamon flavour review

Surreal Cinnamon cereal atop a wooden chopping board with cereal pieces spread about of the box

And onto Cinnamon. Something of a breakfast classic. The scent explodes as we open the pack and are immediately hit with a fresh, vibrant cinnamon concentration. It smells really powerful and slightly woody, and immediately brings to mind the Cinnamon Grahams cereal we used to have as kids.

And wow!

The flavour holds nothing back. It’s a supremely sweet cinnamon that brings to mind pumpkin spice and lingers on the tongue even after chewing. It’s unignorable and very pleasant. Milk subdues the flavour’s punch somewhat, creating a really agreeable overall sweetness level. It’s easily the most characterful flavour so far, with Peanut Butter next in line perhaps vying for that title!

Surreal Peanut Butter flavour review

Surreal Peanut Butter cereal atop a wooden chopping board with cereal pieces spread about of the box

And finally, something for the peanut butter fanatics (…guilty as charged). Typically peanut butter is hit or miss as a flavour profile in snacks and treats, either being plainly nutty, as if gulping a mouthful of peanut butter, or barely present at all. Let’s see how Surreal stacks up.

We’re immediately surprised by the smell. It smells almost fruity, which must be the Stevia — the only time Stevia is used across the flavours. It’s only in tasting it do we realise the presence of nuts, and it’s pleasantly not that subtle. As with the other flavours, the top note is one of glazed sweetness, then immediately the starchy, nutty profile comes through.

Strangely that more-ish nutty flavour seems to come through more when combined with milk, perhaps an effect of the milk’s fat content. It’s more subdued than the Cinnamon but not without that distinction as a peanut flavoured product. It’s really great, which means there really aren’t any losers in this taste-test — they’ve passed with flying colours!

Surreal cereal review summary

Well, there you have it.

I hope it’s clear to the reader that we had a really good time trying out Surreal’s flavour lineup. We are taken aback with just how indulgently sweet and vibrant the flavours of each cereal box are — but you’ll smell the intoxicating, candy-like notes of this cereal long before you taste it. It’s truly a treat, which is confusing, because this is not in any way a concerning product on the health front.

Far from being too indulgent to be considered healthy, this is something you can actually work into your diet to positive functional effect given the crazy high protein content, low sugar and carbohydrate count, and reasonable fibre present. Over the course of our time with the cereal, we not only enjoyed it as a breakfast meal, but also a valuable between-meal snack and occasional pre-workout fuel.

It’s filling, satiating, and palatable without being sickly. With a size-appropriate portion, you likely won’t feel hungry in the hours after eating a bowl, and you certainly won’t experience an energy crash. If you’re diabetic, Surreal will be very kind to your blood sugars, with small portions not even warranting a dose of insulin due to the negligible presence of sugar.

And the taste and flavour variety!

Divinely sweet, exactly as desirable as any bowl of Cinnamon Grahams, Frosties, or Coco Puffs, but without the undesirable macronutrient profile. The Frosted flavour is classic — sweet and general. Cocoa is more decadent, with Cinnamon being the most powerfully sweet, nostalgic, and cosy. Peanut Butter is an ideal mix of sweet and nutty, very pleasant to all who appreciate the peanut flavour. The finer palates among you will note a slight but present artificial sweetness flavour, but curiously only in the aftertaste that lingers for a short while.

At 240 grams per box, you’ll probably go through it quite quickly, but that’s more a testament to how damn addictive they are than insufficient quantity. It would be no great surprise to learn that a larger edition is in the works, too…

Yep, it seems we have no choice but to crack out the elusive 5 stars for Surreal cereal.


Review summary:

Far too delicious to be this healthy, but somehow does both without compromise. Intoxicatingly sweet across all flavours, with each edition offering something distinct and worthwhile. Surreal leaves you satiated with no energy crash, is functionally valuable for those seeking to boost their protein intake, and features precisely no ingredients of any reasonable health concern.


  • Tastes phenomenal
  • Very high protein content
  • Low carbohydrate content
  • Zero sugars
  • Agreeable, minimal ingredients list
  • Satiating with no energy crash
  • Keto-friendly
  • Gluten-free


  • Slightly artificial tasting sweetness in the aftertaste
  • Perhaps a smaller box portion (240 grams) than is desired
  • From the perspective of a vegan, vitamin fortification (B12, Vit D) would have been a welcome addition

Where can you buy Surreal cereal?

As mentioned, you can get your hands on Surreal cereal on their website, and in a few select physical locations. We’re told that they will be expanding to more stores soon.

We personally couldn’t wait that long to get our hands on them, though. It was love at first bite, which is why we put them on our store right away!

You can get your hands on a large box of the Frosted flavour in our bestselling protein hamper that's just perfect for athletic vegans: The Protein Package's The Protein Package hamper

Alternatively, try all four flavours in convenient mini-packs in our cupboard-filling healthy snacks hamper: The Healthy Nibbles's The Healthy Nibbles hamper

And, since you’ve read this far, we’d like to reward your curiosity with the opportunity to get 10% OFF either of the following hampers featuring Surreal cereal with this article-exclusive discount code: 'snackchatgang'

Be sure to let us know what you think of Surreal when you try it out at one of our social links below — we’d love to see if you’re as enthusiastic about it as we are.

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